Calliope, as in calligraphy, and as in optikos, Greek, is the Muse of Visual Spatial Intelligence; here, she stands in front of a circle holding a rectangular wax tablet and a stylex.

Calliope relates to the eyes, which are partly controlled by the occipital lobe, at the back of the brain; neurologists discovered that we have a visual spatial memory.
In 's module 03,  you here build an aesthetic m@trice and an efficient Navigation system, and that with JavaScripts, Paint, and Netscape Composer 4.8.

Calliope loves the color purple...
The M@trizNew P@ge   Im@ges Unrolling Menus   Top
A M@TRIZ, from which you may create new p@ges, has
Elements that come back throughout your Web p@ges
  1. Build an unrolling menu, as the one on top: you need the name of the p@ges you'll link to.
  2. Create a 699 px wide table for the Title, subtitle, and /or Logo.
  3. Write up a title.
  4. Create a 666 px wide table for your text or im@ge zone; never indent when you insert a table.
  5. Without a table, except for subtitles, indent your texts.
  6. Prevent right clicking, protect your im@ges, with JavaScript.
  7. Disable Internet Explorer Im@ge Gobbler, with JavaScript.
  8. Design a mess@ge in the status bar, with JavaScript.
  9. In page properties, write up the name, author, description, keywords, classification of the p@ge.
  10. Create a top of p@ge target, if the p@ge is, or will be, more than a screen long.
  11. Create a link to the top of p@ge target,
  12. * Write up the date when you first built the M@triz
  13. * the text for the dates of the eventual first, forelast, and /or last modifications.
  14. * The tool(s) you used to build, or modify, the p@ge and its content.
  15. * The total weigth of all im@ges within your p@ge.
  16. * Your Web n@me, as a link to your Home p@ge or résumé, and /or your full name, or...

The M@triz New P@ge   Im@ges  Unrolling Menus   Top

Open your m@triz, with Composer 4.8; click File, then Save As; name your new p@ge.
  1. Validate the JavaScript mess@ge in the status bar.
  2. In page properties, name your new p@ge, set the p@ge's colors.
  3. For the background set a Color, an im@ge, or both.
  4. Set the tables' color(s).
  5. Make sure that the color of your texts contrasts with the backgrounds.
  6. * Write up the date when you first built the P@ge.
  7. * Modify the text for the dates of the first, forelast, and /or last modifications.
  8. * Indicate the tool(s) you used to build the m@triz, and the p@ge and its content.
  9. * Your Web n@me, as a link to your Home p@ge or résumé, and /or your full name, or...

The M@triz New P@ge   Im@ges Unrolling Menus   Top

Im@ges,, Paint, Copyrights.
  1. On the Web, the two most frequently seen types of im@ges are gif et jpg.
  2. A rule of thumb for im@ges' weight is that they should weigh less than 50-55 KB per p@ge.
  3. Gifs may be resized, modified, colored, and /or tranparified with
  4. Animated im@ges usually are gifs.
  5. Gif, jpg, jpeg, BMP, TIFF, and other im@ges may be resized with Paint, in which they can also be transformed from heavy BMP or TIFF into lighter jpg or gif. Gifs tend to be lighter than jpgs, because they have less colors.
  6. A maximum width for an im@ge is 699 px; a maximun height: ±366 px.
  7. All im@ges should be weighed and their weight indicated at the bottom of p@ge.
  8. You shouldn't shrink an im@ge to a size smaller than its original source, though you may strech it bigger.
  9. Respect Copyrights (in construction)....

The M@triz  New P@ge   Im@ges . . . Unrolling Menus  ... Top

Unrolling Menus are compact and efficient Navig@tion systems.
Click here to build an unrolling Menu with Composer 7.1
Click here to build an Unrolling Menu, with Composer 4.8

Djeault's first @nimation: cbbForumStar.html
For Constructor's SwitchBo@rd: Moyen Moineault......

TOP of p@ge

Last modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Sunday, June 27, 2004.
Forelast modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Thursday, June 24, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Monday, May 31, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Sunday, May 30, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Monday, May 17, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Monday, April 19, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Tuesday, March 13, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Thursday, March 4, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Monday, February 2, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Sunday, January 25, 2004
This p@ge was cre@ted by Joseph Deneault, dit Djeault , on Monday, January 12, 2004,
with JAVA, HTML, Mot 2.3, PageBuilder 2.61.83, Gifworks 3.0, Paint, and Netscape Composer 4.8.